Cohort 2
React Deep Dive

React Deep Dive

Understanding React from examples

Jargons and Concepts

  • JSX (JavaScript XML)
  • class vs className
  • static vs dynamic websites
  • states
  • components
  • re-rendering

Why do we need React ?

For static websites you really dont need React. Lets look at a HTML skeleton of a static website.

But for dynamic websites, React is a must. It just eases the process of creating dynamic interactions in your website. Lets look at an implementation of dynamic website without React.

Why React ?

React is just an easier way to write normal HTML/CSS/JS. It is a new syntax, that under the hood gets converted to HTML/CSS/JS.

Under the hood there are bundlers that come into picture like webpack, parcel, rollup etc. that convert the React code to HTML/CSS/JS. The process of bundling is called transpiling. The bundlers also do a lot of other things like minification, tree shaking, code splitting etc these are optimizations that are done to the code for efficient delivery to the browser.

There are problems in writing complex DOM logic

Last updated on February 12, 2024